Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Analysis of Questionnaire Results

Question 1 - From this we hoped to find out the most common gender of our audience and as you can see the most common gender is Male. This means that in our video we will be likely to use a male protagonist in order for the audience to relate and feel a personal relationship with the character as they can relate to them. As well as this we want to use a female character in order to satisfy the male gaze theory for those with voyeuristic persona's and furthermore, we'll do this because females still make up 35% of the audience and that would be a large percent of the audience to leave unattended to.

Question 2- From this we hoped to see the most common age within our audience, with 40% the most common age group is 16-21. However, as a group we decided that in order to make the events that take place in our video seem more realistic we have decided to go with the second largest target audience of 28-33 as we have decided that if we do a video based on the breakdown of a relationship that we want the relationship to seem more matured. Of course people of the 16-21 age group can still have matured relationships however i feel as though it the age may compromise the professionalism of our video and so using older characters (28-33) will help to overcome this, and also it will give people of that age group a character who they can relate to.

Question 3 - the majority of our audience say that they only watch music videos once every few weeks which means that their library of music video knowledge may be a bit weaker than the 25% who said that they watch music videos everyday. This is important because in the later questions we will go through the questionnaires separately in order to see which responses we should place more emphasis on due to the fact that we believe the audiences who watch videos everyday will be more helpful than those who never watch videos, although all responses will be given some weight.

Question 4 - We wanted to know how our audiences usually access music, this question has been asked in order for us to know in which forms we should deliver our music video. The most common answer was that audiences use sites such as YouTube in order to access music videos; this means that once we have created our music video we shall post in on YouTube. I believe it is also important that a few audiences members said that they like to access music through the use of live gigs; this is important because it connotes that some of our audience clearly favor performance and so it may mean that in our video we should include some performance based scenes in order satisfy this sector of our audience. The other common format is that people like downloading music videos, by posting our video on YouTube although it will not be downloadable, it will be accessible on a huge variety of technological devices meaning that although audiences can't keep the file, it is always available to them.

Question 5 - We had already decided that as a group our desired music genre would be either metal or rock and this question helps to justify this as in total the two genres make up over half of our target audience. Even though pop is nearly a quarter of the audiences favorite genre we will not be doing this as as a group we feel that our knowledge of the genre isn't vast enough in order to deliver as high a quality pop music video as we would be able to deliver a rock/metal music video. The responses to this question mean that we will try to pick a song which will conform to the codes and conventions of the genre's.

Question 6 - In my opinion this question is absolutely vital to making our music video the best it can be. By finding out what audiences like best about their favorite genre's music videos we can see what numerous audience members favor most commonly (such as performance). After seeing which answers occur frequently we can try to work the most common ones into our own music video in order to satisfy the desires of the audience. it is clear already that performance based shots will be essential in our music video as it is a recurring theme that audiences (especially those of the rock/metal genre) like seeing this in music videos.

Question 7 - This question doesn't just help us to look at what we should include but more importantly helps us look at the quantity of each element that should be included. For example the majority of respondents said that performance was their favorite feature and so we shall aim to dedicate a larger percentage of our music video to performance shots. Many also favored special effects, as a group we decided that we don't want to use too many effects in our shots, however we would be more likely to use effects such as filters on our video. This is because we want to make the scenes seem as realistic as possible and don't want to compromise this with unneeded special effects.
It is also important to audiences that the characters have a persona, due to the fact that this was a common response from audience members who are fans of different genre's we have decided to not make our protagonist the stereotypical person you're likely to see in a rock video and instead make both him and the female character seem like a common couple in order to allow as many audiences to build personal relationships with them as possible. We will use the performance shots in order to conform to many codes of the rock genre and keep the performance shots as relatable as possible.


Question 8 -  In order to find inspiration for things which we could include in our own video we decided to ask the audience what their favorite music video is, and why. Some audience members said that they liked a uncommon approach to a otherwise cliche concept, an example being the response which states that Megadeth's Public Enemy No. 1 alters a cliche scenario by using monkeys instead of humans. Although we wont be going as far as using monkeys, i think that using a different perspective for a cliche concept is highly important. Firstly it puts a spin on the video, and secondly it can be powerful and make the audience think about the video after watching it, rather than just watching it and discarding it from their thoughts. Also by using a new perspective we somewhat conform to the wishes of the audience members who both used Thriller as an answer as a different perspective can allow the video to break new ground. A couple of respondents also said that they like videos and songs which they can relate to, this is important to our video, as I've already said, we wish to keep it relatable and realistic.

Question 9 - As previous answers have suggested audience members put greater value on performance based music videos as connoted by the fact that as well as performance being the highest, a mix of performance and narrative has the second highest vote. We have decided to have also include narrative as many audiences still valued it and the percentage of the audience who value it is too great to not have narrative shots; Also having a narrative helps with our previous findings that we can take a cliche scenario and give it a different perspective, in just a performance based video this would be much harder. Also a narrative allows us to attract different audiences as some may not be fans of the music genre yet may still like the story that the narrative portrays.

Question 10 -  As we don't know entirely what route we wish to take on our music video we decided to look at videos with different aims, portraying a message, being fun, and being performance based. By asking the audience their favorite music videos that have those aims we are able to analyse various different videos in order to see what ideas we can come up with and also what preexisting ideas the audience are already fond of. Also, each question helps us to see more into the audiences preferences as their answers tell us stuff about them; Their favorite video that carries a message can help us to become more aware of their beliefs and values, their favorite lighthearted video makes us aware of their style of humor and finally their favorite performance based video tells us where they like to see performance shots take place. From the responses i can already see that the audience values a message which portrays the effects of drugs varying from alcohol to things such as heroin and finally they like quite simple performance shots which take place in studios due to the fact that its professional and looks much more authentic. 

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